for KEY ART (posters, covers, illustrations)
First opened in 1937, the Musée de l’Homme is a French museum in the Palais de Chaillot in Paris. It presents the human race in all its anthropological, historical and cultural diversity. It’s a department of the National Museum of Natural History, under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.
This summer, the Musée de l’Homme offered children the chance to create their own origami fortune teller, inspired by the museum’s next exhibition on the humans of the future, which will open in autumn 2021.
Made for you worked with the Musée de l’Homme on the graphic design of the origami fortune tellers and illustrations for its website to promote the campaign

Fun and educational origami fortune tellers
The agency created various fun illustrations which cover the museum’s main themes: the living world, biodiversity, prehistoric humans, life in the Paleolithic period, Neolithic innovations, cave art, world culture and more.
The entire team researched each of these themes to be able to represent them as accurately and in as much detail as possible.

Characters to interest children
To encourage children’s interest in these themes, the museum came up with the idea for characters: two young explorers called Léna and Milo. Children can identify with these characters, following their adventures and learning while having fun.

Large illustrations for the website
The team also created illustrations to be used on a dedicated page of the museum’s website. The objective was to promote this activity, designed to keep children busy this summer, and to encourage children to visit the museum.