Logo Tilts EditionCopywritingSocial networkingBrand strategy

Economic columnist and presenter with an impressive career, Fabrice Lundy founded Tilts & Co in 2019 to share the stories of French companies on stage, on TV, radio, and in newspapers. He needed to better communicate the diversity of services he offers, and to highlight his values and the benefits of his work.

He reached out to Made for you to structure and strengthen his image through a bold visual identity and a digital strategy designed to establish his positioning.

Tilts - an identity that shows itself online

A luminous visual identity

Inspired by the colors of the French flag, the chosen palette reflects his commitment to showcasing French companies, as he has consistently done throughout his career. These colors have been reimagined so the reference remains subtle while conveying a premium feel. The visual identity also features luminous circles with a dotted pattern inspired by the dot of the "i" in the logo, symbolizing Fabrice’s profession and the businesses he highlights. The brochure showcases his background, vision, values, and references, using contemporary diagrams and pictograms.

Tilts - an identity that shows itself online

A confident approach to communication on social networks

The recommended digital strategy for standing out on LinkedIn is built around making Fabrice the spokesperson for French companies, particularly mid-cap businesses. Beyond spotlighting Fabrice’s expertise and experience—presented in an inspiring manner through storytelling—the idea is to share his convictions via various content formats that serve multiple complementary goals: engaging posts, visual carousels, videos, infographics, LinkedIn articles, etc. This approach delivers strong and distinctive messages: highlighting companies, analyzing societal and geopolitical trends, leaders communication...

Tilts - an identity that shows itself online
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