Logo Kiwee IllustrationVisual identityWebdesign
This reference has been awarded
2022 Indigo award Bronze winner "Kiwee.care"

Kiwee.care employs experts in debt recovery and the French healthcare system’s administrative process. The company provides a reminder service for healthcare facilities to help them to recover payments for medical bills which have not been paid by patients and insurance companies.

To create communication materials with a more professional feel and more personality, Made for you created new illustrations, a new website and advertising banners for the brand.

Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying

More professional illustrations

The illustrated figures were too childish and didn’t sufficiently convey the professional nature of the services Kiwee.care provides for its B2B clients. They also lacked meaning and were not sufficiently related to the texts.

Made for you therefore recommended a different and more high-end focus and created illustrations which showcased the company’s core business, including icons of a stethoscope, a hand and a heart, which evoke the idea of support, and the buildings representing each type of client: public hospitals, private clinics, etc.

Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying

A varied colour palette for a dynamic visual identity

Combined with light green, which evokes the world of healthcare, muted shades of mauve, mustard yellow and blue create a dynamic visual identity for Kiwee.care and its communication materials; these understated hues reflect the graphic styles which are commonly used to represent healthcare.

Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying Kiwee - a creation that never stops paying
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What our customer say
after working with us

Arnaud MEGGLÉ Cofondateur, Kiwee.care
Un grand merci à Fanny et son équipe, dont j’ai beaucoup apprécié l’adaptabilité, la réactivité et le professionnalisme. Sans oublier bien sûr un vrai talent créatif. Très heureux d’avoir fait appel à M4U pour notre start-up.
Edouard DE LA TAILLE Cofondateur, Kiwee.care

Nous avons fait appel à l’agence Made For you pour :
- dynamiser notre identité visuelle ;
- enrichir notre charte graphique avec des illustrations personnelles ;
- et décliner l’ensemble sur nos supports clés de communication (présentations, site web, kakémonos, etc.).

Fanny et son équipe ont su être à l’écoute de nos demandes, comprendre parfaitement nos besoins et fournir une prestation de grande qualité, en un temps défiant toute concurrence.
Merci encore à Fanny et à toute l’équipe de Made For You !