for LOGO
The Granarolo group, leading Italian group and leader in the Italian cheese industry, mainly with Casa Azzura, is launching a new brand of cut out cheeses. In 2013 he/they bought the French group CIPF codipam and their site “Les Fromagers de St Omer” a factory who specializes at processing and transforming cheese.
The group wants to highlight that unique expertise, as they meet customer’s needs, providing a quick, practical and gourmet break.
The group chose MFY to accompany them in the creation of this new brand, destined for a French and European market, from the creation of the brand’s name, to the packaging.

Creating a brand
The agency gave life to the brand after defining a positioning strategy (market review, branding platform) aiming to communicate the marketing promise “Cheese in all its form, for a gourmet and practical break anytime, anywhere”. The brand is modern, accessible and playful and aims to desacralize cheese in France. And who better to achieve that, then a foreign group!

Finding a name
« Appetisi » promotes a practical and gourmet product. 3 ideas, one word: Appetite, Amuse bouche and Practical.
The embodiment of the products gives it that fun aspect, and aims to clearly define the different use of each product.