Logo Colliot LogoWebdesign

Founded in 1937 by Jean SANTILLI, the family-owned funeral marble business has developed over the years. It was between 1995 and 1996 that it became a funeral services company. In 2019, it took the name Pompes Funèbres COLLIOT, led by the new generation of the family (two brothers), organizing 59,000 funeral ceremonies every year in its 5 agencies located in Île de France.

The Colliot family calls on Made for You to modernize its image and create a contemporary website.

Colliot - a brand engraved in marble Colliot - a brand engraved in marble

A logo rich in meaning

The agency designs a meaningful logo to showcase the company’s values. The brand sign represents:
A crown of flowers
- The 4 members of the family
- The evolution from the bud (the two brothers) to the rose (the parents)
- The lifeline (transmission, legacy)
- The journey from life to death
The typography incorporates marble patterns, updated in a contemporary way to balance modernity and tradition.
The colors combine blue, the color of serenity, peace, and trust; and orange, the color of determination and communication.

Colliot - a brand engraved in marble Colliot - a brand engraved in marble

A gentle and modern web design

Les lignes du logo inspirent un webdesign doux et en mouvement.
Le choix des photos, les illustrations de fleurs et les courbes lui apportent de la douceur, pour évoquer la bienveillance dont font preuve les assistants funéraires dans le cadre de leur accompagnement.
La création de pictogrammes apporte également de la singularité au site.

The lines of the logo inspire a soft and dynamic web design. The choice of photos, flower illustrations, and curves give it a gentle touch, evoking the kindness shown by funeral assistants in their support roles.
The creation of pictograms also adds a unique touch to the site.

Colliot - a brand engraved in marble Colliot - a brand engraved in marble

A smooth e-commerce platform

Online sales occupy an increasing place in the market: the new site therefore needed to support this activity. The homepage highlights various products, with numerous "call to action" buttons. Navigation is smooth thanks to a design in line with best practices for user experience (UX Design).

Colliot - a brand engraved in marble Colliot - a brand engraved in marble

A sensitive site for a sensitive subject

The modernization of the image of Pompes Funèbres COLLIOT demonstrates the importance of design in communicating appropriately on subjects as sensitive as funeral services. By deeply working on symbols (in the logo, typography, photos, etc.), the agency creates a communication imbued with respect and serenity, ensuring a smooth and empathetic user experience during delicate moments of life.

Colliot - a brand engraved in marble Colliot - a brand engraved in marble
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What our customer say
after working with us

Antoine COLLIOT Web Manager, Pompes Funèbres COLLIOT

J’ai fait appel à Made for you pour la création de mon logo et de mon site internet E-commerce. Je suis extrêmement satisfait du travail réalisé par l’équipe de Fanny DE BRAY qui a fait preuve d’un grand professionnalisme, de créativité et d’un excellent accompagnement tout au long du processus de création.

Ils ont su capturer l’essence de ma marque dans le logo et le site internet E-commerce qu’ils ont développé est à la fois esthétique et fonctionnel. Ils ont su répondre à toutes mes demandes et ont été très réactifs tout au long du projet.

Je recommande vivement Made for you à toute personne recherchant des services de marketing digital et souhaitant travailler avec une entreprise à taille humaine.

Merci encore pour cette expérience positive et au plaisir d’avoir de nouvelles missions à vous confier !

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