Logo Dreamquark Motion designEdition

Founded in 2014, Dreamquark is a Parisian start-up which uses artificial intelligence to help banks and insurers to make better decisions and to improve their performance.

It has developed a software platform for professionals (in sales roles) who don’t have any training in or knowledge of Data Science, enabling them to create entire predictive models by themselves.

Made For You was tasked with creating an unusual greetings card to send out in the New Year which would strengthen Dreamquark’s brand image.

Dreamquark - a clear way to 2020 Dreamquark - a clear way to 2020

Brain shows the right way

As an iconic symbol of the Christmas holidays, the fir tree is transformed into a maze, representing the complex decisions which Dreamquark’s clients will face in 2020.

The left-hand path, where Brain can be found, is clear and simple, whilst the client without Brain is lost in the centre, with no real visibility. The fir tree also forms an arrow which shows the right way. The background is festive, intuitive and technological.

Dreamquark - a clear way to 2020 Dreamquark - a clear way to 2020

An animated card for a contemporary christmas greeting

The greetings card is also available as a video for a modern online greeting: the illustration takes shape gradually but quickly enough to create a dynamic impression.

The text emphasises the future of artificial intelligence and Dreamquark’s focus: facilitating and accelerating the adoption of AI to improve the performance of banks and insurance companies.

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